Wednesday, September 19, 2007


Though I've belted you and flayed you,
By the livin' Gawd that made you,
You’re a better man than I am, Gunga Din!

Buying People’s Votes With Their Own Money

We need to get two things straight; the Constitution does not give the government the power to re-distribute wealth for health care, and it doesn’t make health care a “right” for everyone. Mrs. Clinton, being the socialist that she is, lives in a fantasy world where the government runs every aspect of everyone’s lives. She thinks if she uses the government’s largesse to fund another giveaway, namely universal health care, people will flock to her. Everyone needs to understand this one very important point; she is trying to be elected by being benevolent and bribing potential voters with their own money.

Here is how Mrs. Bill Clinton plans to fund her universal health care;

“The front-runner in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination said that under her new plan, the federal government would spend $110 billion a year to help employers and individuals pay for insurance. About half of the money would come from repealing tax cuts and tax breaks for people with incomes above $250,000; the rest would be saved through efficiencies in the system”-

She has said there are 47 million people in the United States without health care. So if one does the math, she is saying she is going to insure these now uninsured for about two thousand dollars a year per person. What a bargain. It will be interesting to hear how she will do this at her next news conference where I am sure the media will ask the hard questions and hold her feet to the fire.

(Just one small side note here; do you think the news media would be ignoring the Hsu political donation scandal the way they have been if Mrs. Clinton were a republican?)

Mrs. Bill Clinton is going to take the money from some people and give it to others and she wants everyone to vote for her for doing this. She has been pushing the class warfare thing her entire career and she is hoping it will pay dividends now. The $110 billion will come from “repealing tax cuts and tax breaks for people with incomes above $250,000”. That means a tax increase. We will have money taken from our pockets and then placed into the governments pocket and then given to other people. But that is only going to fund half of her universal health care program; the other half will come from “efficiencies in the system”. A government agency is going to save $55 billion a year through efficiencies? What in Sam Hill is she smoking?

Mrs. Clinton doesn’t have a right to do this, no one does. It is unconstitutional. This type of government run health care has caused huge problems and long waiting lines in every country that has tried it. When the public accepts free health care from the government that isn’t really free, they are put under the rule of their government which means that government can impose any kind of restrictions and demands they want. A man was just denied medical treatment in Great Britain where there is government funded health care for his broken arm because he is a smoker; they have told him to quit. The government is paying, the government sets the rules.

The government can only spend the money they collect from taxes which means from every American. They have no money of their own, they produce nothing and they sell nothing. When politicians tell us how they want new programs, what they are saying is they have found a new way to spend money that isn’t their own and they need more of our money to do it. As long as the public keeps voting for people that want to control more and more of their lives and their money, then they will continue to become more dependent on the government. Every time we allow this to happen, we lose more control over our lives. We must maintain our independence by taking personal responsibility for things like health care or we will someday lose all our freedoms. Mrs. Clinton has to remember that her ideas have been tried before, it was called “communism”.

Thursday, September 13, 2007


Though I've belted you and flayed you,
By the livin' Gawd that made you,
You’re a better man than I am, Gunga Din!

There has to be an explanation for why the Democrats are itching for the United States to retreat and ultimately be defeated in Iraq. They have been surrendering for awhile; Harry Reid officially announced that “we have lost the war” and was busy looking for a white flag to wave. The Democrats were dispelling any good news from General Patreas even before he had uttered one syllable to them concerning the war. When it comes to defending our homeland and what it stands for, the left would rather bad mouth their country and apologize for anything and everything, real or imagined; they are weenies.

The real reason the left is so anti-war even when the war is worth fighting and they are anti-America even though it is the only reason they have their freedom to be weenies, is habit. They are products of a generation that gained notoriety and success from being peaceniks and rebelling against the establishment. During their formative years, they were holding up peace signs, demonstrating against war, and railing against their government. They were the lead story on the three networks almost every night and they thought it was cool. They take credit for ending the Vietnam War and for taking down Nixon. So now, they think this same tactic, ending war and taking down a President is going to make them successful again. They never grew up or progressed and they can’t see beyond to the results of their actions.

I don’t think the left and the democrats even know what they are rebelling against, but they are trying to look rebellious because they think it will lead to their success and power. They want to look like the hippies they once were but in a more dignified manor. They want to be the lead story on the news saying; “look at me, I am different, I am rebellious against a corrupt President and I am for peace”. They can’t seem to grasp two facts: 1) the myth that Bush is corrupt isn’t real or catching on with mainstream Americans, and 2) we are fighting an enemy that will do whatever it takes to kill us all. But, when power is what one seeks and one remembers a path that once led to it, one will try that path again. For instance, John Kerry was “reporting for duty!” at the democrat convention in Boston in 2004, but for him, duty wasn’t fighting with the military to defend his country but instead it was fighting against the military because he thinks it corrupt and a tool of evil and it once got him attention.

Perhaps once this generation of narcissistic, self indulgent, self centered, generation of self serving Democrats finally leaves center stage, then the country will be able to look for real leaders from the left, some that actually have principles and stand for something. Maybe the next generation of democrats will run their campaigns on policies, ideas and solutions. As it stands now, they are merely an opposition party that complains and hinders any real progress and seeks power for the sake of having it. But, they can’t be held responsible; they were spoiled and never taught that there might be real consequences to their actions. Perhaps a good spanking at the ballot box in 2008 will wake them up, but I doubt it.

Sunday, September 9, 2007


This coming campaign season will be in full swing soon, so the talking points will be flowing like Allen’s coffee brandy at a Lewiston bridal shower. Recently online there was a litany of them, here is a summary;

“…spoke to the ongoing situation in Iraq….., heavily criticizing the Bush administration, murderers, [former Defense Secretary Donald] Rumsfeld…”, President Bush's words echo "neoconservatives like Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Richard Perle."…., people have recently come to know that, after several years of tragedies of this war, the vast majority of you want it stopped,… you elected the Democratic Party for this purpose…., listen to the poignant messages of your soldiers in Iraq, who are paying -- with their blood, nerves and scattered limbs….,sacrificing soldiers and populations to achieve the interests of the major corporations…, global warming and "the Kyoto accord….., "the reeling of many of you under the burden of interest-related debts, insane taxes and real estate mortgages; global warming and its woes...,”-

The same old same old and what is to be expected from the likes of Obama, Hillary and the rest of the lefties running for the democratic nomination. But these talking points weren’t uttered by them; instead they were taken from the recent Osama Bin Laden (OBL) tape. The left have more in common with the most wanted terrorist in the world than they do with mainstream America.

The left and OBL want the same thing, surrender in Iraq. In a recent debate in Southern Florida, Bill Richardson said;

“I'd bring them all home within six to eight months”-

Hillary said;

“I believe we should start bringing our troops home,"…. "We need to quit refereeing their civil war and bring our troops home as soon as possible." –

Other leading democrats have also listened to the words of the mastermind of 9-11;

“This president has no plan how to win and/or how to leave," said Biden,….. He said that Bush was putting American troops "into the middle of a civil war to maintain the status quo," adding, "that is unconscionable, and he's wrong." Biden, too, made a Vietnam allusion, saying he believed "absolutely, positively, unequivocally," that absent a change of course, helicopters would be evacuating Americans from the Green Zone in Baghdad within two years.”-

“This administration is playing for delay," Kennedy said on the CBS. He called that "completely unacceptable."

“Senator John Kerry, Democrat of Massachusetts, said that while U.S. troops had scored successes in parts of Iraq, it was dangerous to think this could readily be replicated nationwide.”You can take a tactical success and misread it, as we did in Vietnam," he said on ABC.”

“They repeatedly criticized the statistics showing progress in Iraq and they insisted that success in Iraq depended on political reconciliation that had been promised but failed to materialize.”-

“This is the president's war," he (Biden) said on NBC. "Unless we get 67 votes to override his veto, there's nothing we can do to stop this war, but we must, we must, we must protect these troops."-

“Today, terrorism is worse in Iraq, and it's worse around the world," Edwards said in a speech at Pace University. "It means the results are in on George Bush's so-called global war on terror and it's not just a failure, it's a double-edged failure."-

Is it any wonder the terrorists are emboldened everyday to continue there efforts to kill innocent people, terrorize entire nations and continue their insane pursuits of a one world government ruled by islamo-facists? The leaders of half the population of the United States are striving for surrender to these mass serial killers and it is for their own selfish political gains.

At some point there has to be reconciliation between those who would spread terror and those that want freedom. What the left fails to realize is that the side that wins through force and dominants will determine the terms of that reconciliation. In the halls of the academic elite, in their perfect world, negotiations can end war because they deem everyone to be reasonable. But are those that fly planes into buildings filled with innocent people, those that blow up buses filled with children, those that saw the heads off of people because they wont join their religion, are they to be reasoned with?

When this war ends, we will either be victorious or women will be wearing burkas and everyone will be facing east and praying twenty times a day. Even those on the left….and they will have no choice.