Thursday, June 21, 2007


"Though I've belted you and flayed you,
By the livin' Gawd that made you,
You’re a better man than I am, Gunga Din!"

More proof that the republicans and the democrats have combined and morphed into a mega-party is apparent everyday. The two parties will participate in small skirmishes on the outer fringes of policy making, but on the whole, they have become one; a marriage of power hungry, control seeking, out-of-touch cretins, isolated in their city on the Potomac with nothing in common with average Americans. And when they propose some outlandish legislation that threatens the very existence of our nation and it unites the average Joe’s into an opposition, they retreat into their granite domed bunker and hurl hand-grenades of arrogance loaded with elitist dogma.

Hillary speaks to Code Pink about Iraq and is resoundingly booed, Pelosi runs her pie-hole to a group called “Campaign For America’s Future” a far left pressure group and she gets heckled and hissed and Trent Lott says; “Talk radio is running America. We have to deal with that problem”, an obvious salvo aimed at conservatives apposing the amnesty bill for Illegals and inflames the ire of real republicans nation wide. As the democratic run congress makes a mark in political history as having achieved the lowest approval rating ever at 14% and republican leader Bush lingers somewhere in the 29% “job well-done” poll, wouldn’t you think that if the two parties were truly diametrically opposed as they should be, one would come out as at least making 50% of America happy? Nope, they are perceived as the same, deemed as the same and evaluated as the same because they are the same; awful.

Of the three aforementioned politicians, the one that worries me the most is Trent Lott. Here is a quote concerning talk radio he recently made;

“I’m sure senators on both sides of the aisle are being pounded by these talk-radio people who don’t even know what’s in the bill,”……….. “leadership will have to be prepared to do what needs to be done.”

What is he trying to say? Does he have plans by means of coercian and legislation to silence people who dare appose him?

Trent seems to think people that listen to talk radio are brainwashed by it but the opposite is true. Talk radio is a forum for ideas and in-depth analysis of what is going on in our country. He doesn’t seem to mind when those on the radio speak in favor of what he wants, but he wants to “do what needs to be done” if there is a backlash on the nation’s airwaves to his idiotic legislative proposals. When politicians like Lott start hinting at censorship, Americans had better watch out.

So now we have a government that is essentially run by one party with goals that will hurt average Americans and we have a “leader” who is hinting at controlling what can be said publicly about said goals. Our Founding Fathers revolted against the British government in order to gain freedom and control of their own destinies. As we lose more and more control of our government and our personal lives every day, can revolution of some kind be that far off?


The Democratic congress has achieved something no other congress ever has, a 14% approval rating……..

As the left eats itself……………………..

Let the buffet continue………………..

This must be the cause for the left’s untimely demise…………….

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