Though I've belted you and flayed you,
By the livin' Gawd that made you,
You’re a better man than I am, Gunga Din!
WARNING: If you are a frail left wing pinko afraid of the truth and having your “feelings” hurt, stop reading right now! I have no sympathy for you and I am not in the least bit “sensitive”. So go roll in the literary excrement that spews or go drink the bile that Media Matters pukes up; I have no respect for you or your kind.
There, now that I have that out of the way, I call for the assassination of Harry Reid, figuratively, not literally and I call for Senator Tom Harkin to be lynched, again figuratively, not literally. Both of these men have knowingly lied before the Senate and the House and they should be liquidated, figuratively, not literally.
I am not going to go into the whole Limbaugh thing and the lies these two cerebral midgets have been spreading about him, if you don’t believe me, use your limited mental resources and look for yourself. What I am going to do is vent my anger, lower myself to the outhouse hole that these two piles of filth dwell in and just enjoy the feelings I am getting from calling them exactly what they are; sweltering, noxious piles of human debris. If this felt any better the lefties would make it illegal.
How many commies have fainted or are hugging each other while weeping pitiful tears of outrage from reading this? Are you seething yet? I already know you feel mentally superior but I want you to know all those things the teachers were telling you about everyone being a winner and we are all the same were lies. You on the left have sunk to new lows and because you never had to try in school, you can’t even begin to reason with any of this. The truth will set you free if you can handle it, if you can’t; you hug a tree, have an intervention, have a group hug, get diagnosed with a mental disability and take prosaic.
I was going to go into long details of what the left is trying to do to Limbaugh and the likes of him, but I changed my mind. Look it up yourself, it is obviously more than Reid and Harkin did or they wouldn’t dare lie like they have been doing. Now it is your turn to feign outrage at me and get up on your pedestal and claim moral superiority. I know better. Besides, with you up on your soap box, you will make a great target and I will shoot you right between the eyes, figuratively, not literally.
Tuesday, October 2, 2007
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