Though I've belted you and flayed you,
By the livin' Gawd that made you,
You’re a better man than I am, Gunga Din!
Buying People’s Votes With Their Own Money
We need to get two things straight; the Constitution does not give the government the power to re-distribute wealth for health care, and it doesn’t make health care a “right” for everyone. Mrs. Clinton, being the socialist that she is, lives in a fantasy world where the government runs every aspect of everyone’s lives. She thinks if she uses the government’s largesse to fund another giveaway, namely universal health care, people will flock to her. Everyone needs to understand this one very important point; she is trying to be elected by being benevolent and bribing potential voters with their own money.
Here is how Mrs. Bill Clinton plans to fund her universal health care;
“The front-runner in the race for the Democratic presidential nomination said that under her new plan, the federal government would spend $110 billion a year to help employers and individuals pay for insurance. About half of the money would come from repealing tax cuts and tax breaks for people with incomes above $250,000; the rest would be saved through efficiencies in the system”-
She has said there are 47 million people in the United States without health care. So if one does the math, she is saying she is going to insure these now uninsured for about two thousand dollars a year per person. What a bargain. It will be interesting to hear how she will do this at her next news conference where I am sure the media will ask the hard questions and hold her feet to the fire.
(Just one small side note here; do you think the news media would be ignoring the Hsu political donation scandal the way they have been if Mrs. Clinton were a republican?)
Mrs. Bill Clinton is going to take the money from some people and give it to others and she wants everyone to vote for her for doing this. She has been pushing the class warfare thing her entire career and she is hoping it will pay dividends now. The $110 billion will come from “repealing tax cuts and tax breaks for people with incomes above $250,000”. That means a tax increase. We will have money taken from our pockets and then placed into the governments pocket and then given to other people. But that is only going to fund half of her universal health care program; the other half will come from “efficiencies in the system”. A government agency is going to save $55 billion a year through efficiencies? What in Sam Hill is she smoking?
Mrs. Clinton doesn’t have a right to do this, no one does. It is unconstitutional. This type of government run health care has caused huge problems and long waiting lines in every country that has tried it. When the public accepts free health care from the government that isn’t really free, they are put under the rule of their government which means that government can impose any kind of restrictions and demands they want. A man was just denied medical treatment in Great Britain where there is government funded health care for his broken arm because he is a smoker; they have told him to quit. The government is paying, the government sets the rules.
The government can only spend the money they collect from taxes which means from every American. They have no money of their own, they produce nothing and they sell nothing. When politicians tell us how they want new programs, what they are saying is they have found a new way to spend money that isn’t their own and they need more of our money to do it. As long as the public keeps voting for people that want to control more and more of their lives and their money, then they will continue to become more dependent on the government. Every time we allow this to happen, we lose more control over our lives. We must maintain our independence by taking personal responsibility for things like health care or we will someday lose all our freedoms. Mrs. Clinton has to remember that her ideas have been tried before, it was called “communism”.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
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