Friday, August 22, 2008


Tho' I've belted you an' flayed you,
By the livin' Gawd that made you,
You're a better man than I am, Gunga Din!

Reuter’s news service headline;

McCain takes 5-point lead over Obama-Reuters poll
Wed Aug 20, 2008 7:11am EDT

This is a drastic change in the polls in just a short amount of time. Of course, the left wing spin followed in the story in an attempt to steer the public away from the notion that Obama is unlikable. Once again, the black man is being victimized by whitey;

“The reversal follows a month of attacks by McCain, who has questioned Obama's experience, criticized his opposition to most new offshore oil drilling and mocked his overseas trip.”

And that’s not all;

“"There is no doubt the campaign to discredit Obama is paying off for McCain right now," pollster John Zogby said.”This is significant ebb for Obama."

The article does go on to explain some of the recent polling results with some significant reasons for them.

Read the entire article here;

But there may be an even bigger reason…..

This is an interesting quote from a person defending the terrorists in Iraq;

“We must begin by really standing with the Iraqi people and defending their right to resist. I can remain myself against all forms of violence, and yet I cannot judge what someone has to do when pushed to the wall to protect all they love. The Iraqi people are fighting for their country, to protect their families and to preserve all they love. They are fighting for their lives, and we (USA) are fighting for lies." (AlterNet, June 26, 2005)”

What Islamo-facist in what third world country would make such an outlandish remark? Was it Osama Bin Laden? Nope, it was a woman named Jodie Evans. Why would this surprise any of us? Normally it wouldn’t except for one fact that makes it significant;

“Evans has a close relationship with the Obama campaign. She hostedObama's first Hollywood fundraiser in February 2007, along with StevenSpielberg, David Geffen, Jeffrey Katzenberg and her ex-husband Max Palevsky. Evans is listed on the Obama website as having bundled between $50,000 and $100,000. She has also contributed the maximum $2300 to his primarycampaign, according to FEC records.”-

Evans is just another one in a long list of left wing, anti-American nut jobs that Barack Hussien Obama enjoys associating with. Like the Reverend Wright, Evans thinks American’s deserved 9-11;

“Jodie Evans:..."We were attacked because we were in Saudi Arabia, that was the message of Osama, was that because we had our bases in the Middle East, he attacked the United States.

Paul A. Ibbetson: "Do you think that's a valid argument?"

Evans: "Sure. Why do we have bases in the Middle East? We totally Violated the rights of that country. Why do we get to have bases in the Middle East?"

Also in that interview, Evans said Code Pink's goal (peace activist organization) is to "undermine the war effort (of the United States") and that she wished Saddam Hussein was still in power. "-

She has proven valuable to Obama monetarily as well as an advisor;

“ According to… Code Pink co-founder Medea Benjamin, Evans is on a first name basis with Obama and discussed Iraq policy with Obama at another Hollywood fundraiser on June 24, 2008.”-

The article says that Evans has a history of dealing with governments;

“Evans has worked with the governments of Saddam Hussein (in 2003), Hugo Chavez and the Castro brothers, as well as pro-insurgent elements in the Middle East.”-

This fraternization with hostile governments has been backed by her own insurgent actions at home;

“Evans has led a campaign against the Marines at home in Berkeley, where Code Pink has called the Marines "assassins" and she has likened the Marine recruiting office to a "porn shop”…. The Obama campaign has rejected two requests by pro-troop organizations that Obama renounce Evans."-

Maybe Barack Hussien Obama is dropping so fast in the polls because his history is “coming home to roost”. The more Americans know about him, the less they like him.

And what about this....

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