Thursday, August 30, 2007


Though I've belted you and flayed you,
By the livin' Gawd that made you,
You’re a better man than I am, Gunga Din!

“Craig steps down from top committee posts”- Headline,

I applaud this move by Senator Craig, it is the least he can do having pled guilty to “disorderly conduct” (even though he now says he shouldn’t have) in the sexual solicitation scandal that he has become famous for;

“Craig stepped down as the ranking Republican on the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee and on two subcommittees - one on appropriations and another on energy and natural resources.”-

His fellow Republicans are calling for further actions, asking him to resign entirely from the senate;

“fellow Republicans called for his ( Senator Craig’s) resignation….Several Republicans called for Mr. Craig to resign, among them Senators John McCain of Arizona and Norm Coleman of Minnesota and Representative Peter Hoekstra of Michigan…Mr. Coleman issued a statement saying Mr. Craig had pleaded guilty to “a crime involving conduct unbecoming a senator,” adding, “He should resign.”- The New York Times

I now challenge the Democrats to do the same with Senator Hillary Clinton. She is giving back money raised by Mr. Hsu;

“Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton’s campaign said yesterday that it would give to charity $23,000 it had received from a prominent Democratic donor, and review thousands of dollars more that he had raised, after learning that the authorities in California had a warrant for his arrest stemming from a 1991 fraud case.”- New York Times

Mr. Hsu is a convicted felon who failed to show for his sentencing for grand theft fifteen years ago and has since then raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for Democrats, including Mrs. Clinton. Fortunately for Mrs. Clinton, the Craig story, which by the way is really three months old but only made it into the main stream press as the Hillary- Hsu connection also came to light, broke on the same week end this story did. What good timing, kind of reminds me of the time Bill Clinton bombed the aspirin factory the same week that big news on the Monica story broke.

So where is the outcry from other Democrats and the main stream media? Will she be asked to step down from committees she is on and will she resign? Not bloody likely. Quite a double standard and just one of the hundreds of examples of the hypocrisies of the left and the left winged biased media.

The Right will force guys like Foley and Craig to resign because they hate hypocrisy. The Democrats are walking, breathing, living examples of hypocrisy and that is why conservatives generally dislike them.

John Edwards’s calls for Americans to give up their SUV’s and then drives off in his own Escalade. Al Gore screams about global warming and carbon footprints but has an energy hog of a house and flies in private jets (meanwhile a company he is heavily involved in is selling carbon credits). Barney Frank had a male prostitution ring run from his Washington home and has been in the House with very little repercussions. Ted Kennedy killed a girl and is a prominent Senator. The list goes on and on; William Jefferson, Democrat from Louisiana, caught taking bribes and with $90,000.00 in cash in his freezer, Senator Byrd of West Virginia is a former KKK member, need I continue?

We are continually reminded by the main stream press about Nixon and Watergate, Trent Lott and his comments about Strom Thurmond, and Foley and his gay emails. When is the last time you heard anything on any main stream media about any of the Democrat’s peccadilloes?

The Democrats run the House and Senate and have called for the end of the “culture of corruption”. They talk the talk but it is more mindless blabbering to their kool-aid drinking zombies. Do you wonder why both houses of congress only have an eighteen percent approval rating? The republican haven’t done a lot right but at least their standards are higher and they hold their people to them. I call for the Democrats to do the same with Hillary the first to go. If she can’t keep track of who is giving her money, how can she possibly run a country?

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