Friday, July 13, 2007


"Though I've belted you and flayed you,
By the livin' Gawd that made you,
You’re a better man than I am, Gunga Din!"

The left and now some segments on the right, paint our efforts in Iraq as futile. They support the strategy of surrender by means of a continuous propaganda campaign and the media in compliance with this effort, will only report negatives from the region. They berate the President to set a time table for withdrawal even before the report about how the surge is working comes out. It won’t matter what the report says, they will twist facts, omit positives, embellish negatives and blatantly lie to push forward their agenda. You may wonder why I would believe there is such an effort; it is because the left has done this before and very successfully with help from a compliant media.

After Vietnam, the left and the media would have the world believe the war was devastating not only for our country but forever scarring those that fought in it. The truth be told, our soldiers that served so gallantly and the veterans of the war are shining examples to all Americans. Here are some facts that contradict the lies put forth about our Veterans and the Vietnam War;

“91% of Vietnam Veterans say they are glad they served

74% said they would serve again even knowing the outcome

There is no difference in drug usage between Vietnam Veterans and non veterans of the same age group

Vietnam Veterans are less likely to be in prison - only 1/2 of one percent of Vietnam Veterans has been jailed for crimes.

85% of Vietnam Veterans made a successful transition to civilian life.

Vietnam veterans' personal income exceeds that of our non-veteran age group by more than 18 percent.

Vietnam veterans have a lower unemployment rate than our non-vet age group

87% of the American people hold Vietnam Vets in high esteem.

2/3 of the men who served in Vietnam were volunteers. 2/3 of the men who served in World War II were drafted…. Approximately 70% of those killed were volunteers.

During the first 5 years after discharge, deaths from suicide were 1.7 times more likely among Vietnam veterans than non-Vietnam veterans. After that initial post-service period, Vietnam veterans were no more likely to die from suicide than non-Vietnam veterans. In fact, after the 5-year post-service period, the rate of suicides is less in the Vietnam veterans' group.

86% of the men who died in Vietnam were Caucasians, 12.5% were black, 1.2% were other races.

Servicemen who went to Vietnam from well-to-do areas had a slightly elevated risk of dying because they were more likely to be pilots or infantry officers.

Vietnam Veterans were the best educated forces our nation had ever sent into combat. 79% had a high school education or better.

There were almost twice as many casualties in Southeast Asia (primarily Cambodia) the first two years after the fall of Saigon in 1975 then there were during the ten years the U.S. was involved in Vietnam.”-

These facts contradict what the left, the news media and even the Hollywood film industry would like you to believe.

The left can call Iraq another Vietnam because they have twisted the truth about that war. The United States never lost a battle there. We left Vietnam because the left politicized it and used it to gain support. History is repeating itself; the Democrats and the media want to gain power by portraying the defeat of our country through lies and propaganda. Some people might call this deceptive, I call it treason.

Monday, July 9, 2007


"Though I've belted you and flayed you,
By the livin' Gawd that made you,
You’re a better man than I am, Gunga Din!"

Summers are hot. I have known this since I was old enough to know anything. So, why is it that all the news broadcasts on the radio today started with a story about how hot it is across the country? I heard that there were possibilities of record heat hitting major metropolitan areas, I heard how farmers are worried about their crops and I heard advice on what we should do if we get too hot. The best story of all was how we all should learn a lesson from the smart chess players who were in a park in Philly and knew enough to play in the shade. Brilliant.

I am sure the heat is being played up largely in part to push forward the global warming myth. Live Earth, the flop of a concert that was supposed to be the show-case spectacular as a follow up to Al Gore’s insane comedy “An Inconvenient Truth”, proved that most people either aren’t buying his tripe or they don’t care;

“The estimated 2.7 million viewers was slightly under the 3 million viewers NBC has averaged on Saturday nights in the summer with repeats and the Stanley Cup hockey playoffs on what is already the least-popular night of television.”

Either way, it is a good sign of the return of common sense.

Al Gore has taken a natural phenomenon, climate change, and tried to restore his political life with it by blaming humans for its occurrence. He has no real answers for real problems, so he takes up a cause that is ambiguous and entirely fictitious and makes himself the hero of it, trying to garner support from the half-wits who actually listen to his mindless dribble. Does Al have answers for any of the real crises that face the world? Not that I have heard.

Al Gore isn’t unique in what he is doing. The politicians leading our country today are all avoiding meaningful issues and instead they are making headlines by doing nothing. Democrats are starting inquiries, to the tune of 300 in 100 days, into issues that are unimportant to everyone. Republicans are telling us we need immigration reform desperately and are putting forth no legislation for it. Meanwhile, Rome is burning and the modern day Nero’s are fiddling “Foggy Mountain Breakdown”.

So, as the radio spewed out the mindless banter about how hot it is today around the country, I spent a little time reading this;

“…..official reported that on a couple of occasions in Baqubah, al Qaeda invited to lunch families they wanted to convert to their way of thinking. In each instance, the family had a boy, he said, who was about 11 years old. As LT David Wallach interpreted the man’s words, I saw Wallach go blank and silent. He stopped interpreting for a moment. I asked Wallach, “What did he say?” Wallach said that at these luncheons, the families were sat down to eat. And then their boy was brought in with his mouth stuffed. The boy had been baked. Al Qaeda served the boy to his family”-

When Al Gore or any politician for that matter, decides to have a concert to raise awareness of the mass of Muslim serial killers known as Islamo-fascists, then I will take them seriously. When will we have a politician that will be brave enough to stand up and talk about the real problems of the world?

John Edwards is going to have a tour to bring to light the poverty that exists in America. Some one should point out to him that America is the only country in the world where the poor are fat and the rich are thin. Why doesn’t Edwards tour the middle-eastern countries where there is real poverty? He has already said that the war on terror isn’t real. So who is cooking kids and sawing people’s heads off?

All around us there are real issues that need to be discussed. Everything from social security reform to fighting the war on terror needs to be dealt with by our political leaders but they won’t do it. Their own lives are more important then their country. Their own political positions are so valuable that they will do nothing to threaten them. And as we allow ourselves to be anesthetized by a media that would rather talk about Paris Hilton and heat waves and that pushes issues that are meaningless like global warming and banning cell phones in cars, the real problems of the world grow bigger, unchecked by an un-informed populace and avoided by politicians more interested in their own political hides then their country.

Sunday, July 8, 2007


"Though I've belted you and flayed you,
By the livin' Gawd that made you,
You’re a better man than I am, Gunga Din!"

Because of Allison, my girl friend, I just spent 3 days and 2 nights in Bar Harbor. My brother Rob and his wife Liz, my son Tom and daughter Margaret who both live in Bar Harbor, my good friend Roland and his fiancĂ©e Jill and my parents who are the real reason for the trip and celebration were all there; it was my 50th birthday party. We ate too much, drank way too much, took naps and had a great time without making fools of ourselves. It was truly one of the best times of my life even if my daughter Jodi didn’t come because she was too busy, but I will handle that later.

I explained all this because as most of the group is politically neutral, my parents and I couldn’t be on further ends of the political spectrum, (you may have read my blog about this but if you haven’t check this out;

There is no need to explain who is of which political ilk, that isn’t the point here, what is the point is how people of such diverse political views can come together, spend time, and leave without a harsh word. We spent hours together, laughing, talking, riding in the car, eating and even drinking without one word of politics or one trace of disagreement. We have had our share of discussions in the past and they haven’t always been pretty, but with time and understanding there has developed an unspoken agreement, one that exists because we love and care enough about each other that we don’t want to fight. We know there are subjects we are never going to agree on and that talking, debating and arguing our particular points of view is not going to change the other ones mind, so, we don’t discuss them.

The political world has become so hateful. I will admit to having taken part in that hate and can still be somewhat guilty of sarcasm, but with my age has also come the ability to see that hatred is never going to help a cause and can only be destructive to whatever good ideas one may put forth. Real discussion without ambivalence is the only way to debate ideas.

So why do our politicians want us to hate? It is the same reason the terrorists do; to win support from their followers, they use that hate to galvanize their base. Hitler created and then used hatred of the Jews to gain power, the KKK used hatred of the Blacks to keep power and now our own politicians are using hatred to rally people to garner their support, be it for congress, the senate or the presidency. Instead of putting out sane, rational ideas that could bring people together, the politician today would rather point out the failures, real or imagined, of their opponent. Politicians in America will do whatever it takes to win and that should be feared. When one side uses fear and hatred to gain support, the side that has been the brunt of that hatred will become the scapegoat for whatever ills the new majority suffers whether or not they are the causes.

Martin Luther King never spoke of hatred; instead he spoke of hope and love. His dream was to aspire to those things that would bring people together. Martin Luther King would march through streets, hearing the hateful names being yelled at him, feeling the stones and bottles hurled in hatred at him, but holding his head up with pride and dignity because he didn’t hate, he loved. He loved his followers more than he hated those who would do them harm and he let that guide his life. Martin Luther King was a leader of his people, but he was an example for all Americans. And even those that would one day kill him because they feared the power he was gaining should have known that they had nothing to fear from it because with his power came peace and union of different races and religions.

It has only taken me 50 years to come to this conclusion. We have to be able to come together as a nation regardless of our political differences. We need politicians that will bring people together because of their ideas not because of their differences. We don’t all have to come together and sing the song from the old Coca-Cola commercial, something about teaching the world to sing and so on, but we need to be civil even in our disagreements because if we don’t, the hatred that is developing in our country will destroy us.

So, what have I learned in 50 years? Be nice, don’t fight, if you can’t say anything nice, don’t say anything at all and it’s really difficult to drink until one in the morning 2 days in a row; it might be impossible for my brother.

Thursday, July 5, 2007


"Though I've belted you and flayed you,
By the livin' Gawd that made you,
You’re a better man than I am, Gunga Din!"

The promoters of the concert this weekend, “Live Earth” are hoping to reach two billion people with their global warming message. I personally don’t blame humans for all the problems of the world and especially not for climate change, real or imagined. I couldn’t tell you what Al Gore’s agenda is, though I have a pretty good idea, be that as it may, he seems to have found plenty of allies in the entertainment industry and a majority of the media.

Al Gore’s son was arrested when he was stopped for speeding, going 100 MPH on a freeway around Los Angeles. He also had marijuana, as well as valium, xanax, vicodin, adderall and soma, all prescription drugs he didn’t have a prescription for. The article about the arrest starts this way;

“The 24-year-old son of former Vice President Al Gore was arrested for drug possession on Wednesday after he was stopped for speeding in his hybrid Toyota Prius”- Reuters

Well, at least he was driving a hybrid and although he may have been speeding at 100 MPH and couldn’t have cared less about who he might have endangered with his reckless behavior, he was still aware of the environment and global warming. This is well pointed out in the next part of the article;

“Al Gore III -- whose father is a leading advocate of policies to fight global warming -- was driving his environmentally friendly car at about 100 miles per hour on a freeway south of Los Angeles when he was pulled over by an Orange County sheriff's deputy at about 2:15 a.m.”- Reuters

The story continues and tries to make excuses for the junior Gore;

“In 1989, aged six, Gore almost died when he was hit by a car, and required extensive surgery and physical therapy.”- Reuters

Hmmm, might explain the need for the prescription drugs but not having a prescription for them might be a small problem. Remember the problem Rush Limbaugh had? And he had a prescription for his.

Finally, the article comes to a merciful end, but not before pointing out this little tidbit;

“A spokesman for the elder Gore said he was traveling and could not immediately be reached for comment. The one-time presidential candidate is one of the organizers of the Live Earth concerts taking place around the world on July 7. The concerts are designed to raise awareness of global warming.”- Reuters

Perhaps Al senior should have been watching little Al junior in 1989 and he would never have been run over. Maybe he was too busy inventing the internet. Now, Al senior is out trying to make political hay with his fictitious global warming crap while his druggy son is endangering the lives of innocent Americans. Would it have been wiser for the elder Gore to have paid more attention to his personal life instead of trying to tell the rest of us how to live ours?

The media will whitewash this as it does everything else for the left. This is a perfect example of why we do not need a fairness doctrine. There is balance in the media and unless you are deaf, dumb and blind, to argue that government should be the arbiter to decide where that balance should lie, is merely opening a Pandora’s box of regulations that will eventually end free speech.

And in the end, I am sure Al Gore senior is very proud of his son for being an example for the young people of America; he was driving a Prius.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007


"Though I've belted you and flayed you,
By the livin' Gawd that made you,
You’re a better man than I am, Gunga Din!"

The fourth of July is a celebration of the day our country was born. We were like an infant, kicking and screaming our way into the world. 231 years later and we are nothing like what our fore fathers had envisioned. Try to open a business in Maine and you will see what I mean.

Licenses, mandates, regulations, restrictions, and whatever else the city, county, state or federal government wants to through in the way is killing the entrepreneurial spirit of our nation. Tree hugger groups try to stop everything, from the construction of highways to the building of tool sheds just to protect snails and rats. Insurance companies lobby to make insurance coverage mandatory and then price it out of the reach of the small business person. Handicap lobbies push for the passage of laws that force up construction expenses and make building costs prohibitive for the common person. City and town governments pass zoning laws that limit the growth of businesses or ban them altogether. All of this is more busy work for lawyers and adds to set-up costs.

When I opened my first business around 1980, I was fortunate enough to get a lot of good advice from people who had been in the business for years. I opened a 35 seat diner on the working waterfront. I was 23 years old and ready to do whatever it took to succeed. My brother and I worked from 2:30 in the morning until 3:30 in the afternoon, seven days a week. I didn’t take a pay check for the first year, instead my wife and I lived off her teaching salary and we ate leftovers from the restaurant. I saved as much money as I could because I knew at some point I would have to move and I wanted to have the cash to do it. I was in for a rude awakening that first year when I had to pay Uncle Sam $10,000.00 in taxes. I was ignorant to the tax system and thought that if I set the money aside and didn’t take it as income, I wouldn’t have to pay as much in taxes on it.

I didn’t realize beforehand just how much money the government took from businesses every month. On the 15th of every month I sent a couple thousand dollars to the feds for payroll taxes and a couple thousand to the state for sales tax. I paid quarterly taxes and license fees and for workers compensation insurance because the government mandated it; thousands and thousands of dollars every year from a 35 seat diner. Was this what our fore fathers had envisioned for us; to be slaves to government, a government that has become so big it has to keep making new laws so all of it's employees will have something to do? There are so many agencies at all levels of government now that people don’t even know where to begin when opening a business. With so many people working for agencies forcing everyone to follow so many regulations, it becomes a maze of confusion and frustration when a person wants to begin a new business or even expand an existing one. It can take months to open a small business and the people that are enforcing all the laws and regulations seem to think business people have bales of money and can just wait to become operational.

A good friend of mine who lives in Cancun Mexico was recently in Maine visiting. I talked to him about the business atmosphere where he now lives. He told me the story of an acquaintance of his that owns a store in a neighborhood in Cancun. He said it was a nice neighborhood, very residential and the store looked a little out of place there but it did a thriving business because the people in the neighborhood appreciated how close in proximity to their homes it was. One day his friend decided to sell liquor in his store. He didn’t have to get a license or even discuss his idea with any government officials, instead, he bought cases of liquor and started selling it; end of story. This whole scenario seems almost unreal to me and it is in today’s America.

Our country is getting very close to losing its true meaning. We still have our freedoms but they are becoming less and less with more and more restrictions on them. The basic idea behind our country was that we would be free to make our lives and our livings, to the best of our abilities and with as few restrictions on them as possible. We are supposed to be able to pursue happiness, protected by our government to do so, but instead the government has become the biggest single road block to that pursuit and has become fat at the cost of every American’s labors, fortunes and freedoms.

I will vote in the next presidential election for the man or woman that not only doesn’t propose any new laws but also wants to start eliminating some of the old ones. Instead of proposing more government with more jurisdictions over our lives, let’s get back to our roots, away from government and free to pursue happiness.

Sunday, July 1, 2007


"Though I've belted you and flayed you,
By the livin' Gawd that made you,
You’re a better man than I am, Gunga Din!"

How do I even begin this? Perhaps this quote is a good start;

“All the major Democratic presidential candidates were at Walt Disney World for a forum sponsored by the National Association of Latino Elected and Appointed Officials.”

O.K., now you know the background and can visualize this gathering of smarmy, behind-kissing, baloney spewing, bull-crap artists at a politically correct meeting in a place where fantasy rules. They first attack Fred Thompson, the potential Republican presidential candidate because he dared speak the unspeakable;

“Noting that the United States had apprehended 1,000 people from Cuba in 2005, Thompson said, "I don't imagine they're coming here to bring greetings from Castro. We're living in the era of the suitcase bomb."

To which Hillary, the smarmiest of the smarmy says;

“I was appalled when one of the people running for or about to run for the Republican nomination talked about Cuban refugees as potential terrorists,"….. "Apparently he doesn't have a lot of experience in Florida or anywhere else, and doesn't know a lot of Cuban-Americans."

Does she think that just because they are from Cuba and they are illegal that none of them are potential terrorists? And what if someone does think there might be some harmful consequences to letting illegal aliens go un-apprehended, does that make that person prejudiced or bigoted towards that whole group? Is she so politically correct that she can’t even think of anyone as a threat anymore? Would it be smart to have a person like that in charge of our country’s security? More hate speech and pandering from a woman who knows no other way of garnering votes. Would we even know this woman if she hadn’t been married to Bill?

And Barrack Hussein Obama wouldn’t be outdone;

“Illinois Sen. Barack Obama defended his vote last year to build a 700- mile fence across the U.S.-Mexican border,….. Obama said, "Do I believe fences make good neighbors and are the right approach? No, I don't believe that."

Remember when Kerry said he voted for something right before he voted against it? A blatant case of CYA, otherwise known as “Cover Your A_ _”. It seems to me that Mr. Obama has taken a page from the John Kerry presidential candidate’s play book. Did anyone tell him Kerry lost?

The rest of the democratic political dwarfs continued on in the Disney parade of mental midgets;

“Biden drew applause when he noted that as many as 40 percent of illegal immigrants were not Hispanic” - (What’s his point?)…..

“Former North Carolina Sen. John Edwards told the crowd his rural hometown of Robbins, N.C. was now half Hispanic” - (Did he say how many were “illegalls”? And was he bragging or complaining? Ice might want to set up an office there)…..

“Connecticut Sen. Chris Dodd, fully bilingual from his days as a Peace Corps volunteer in the Dominican Republic, cracked up the crowd when he told them, in Spanish, "I'm the only Gringo in the Senate" to speak the language” - (“Gringo”? Can that be considered hate speech? Just goes to show he might be twice as lingual as the rest of the senate but I think he might be twice as stupid too)…..

“Ohio Rep. Dennis Kucinich, saying he believed all American children should learn to speak Spanish, gave his closing statement in Spanish while apologizing in advance for his accent”- (How about Senor Kucinich learns to be an American before he runs for president)....

“New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson…..A fluent Spanish speaker, Richardson called his supporters at the association "Mi gente, mi familia,"—my people, my family…..“I'm not running as a Latino candidate. I'm running as an American governor who is enormously proud to be Latino," he told supporters.” ( His people? His family? Does he want to be president of Mexico or Cuba?)-

Someone should tell this bunch of two-faced, back-stabbing, anti-American, traitorous fools that 80% of the American population wants a strong immigration policy and NO AMNESTY! Perhaps they all joined together at the end and sang “It’s a small world after all”, perfect for small minded people like them.

A great article for those who doubt the veracity of Al Gore and his global warming crap…..,CST-EDT-REF30b.article